Happy holidays, everyone! Would you like to see your pals from my books celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah? Well you can!
I’ve written three adorable Christmas mini-stories, one about Solomon and Serena from A Lily Among Thorns, one about Nev and Penny from In for a Penny, and one about Phoebe and Nick from Sweet Disorder.
And brand-new for this year, I’ve got a mini-story about Ash and Lydia from True Pretenses celebrating Hanukkah together! (SPOILER: Ash has a beard.)
I’ll mail you the scene of your choice along with a Listen to the Moon postcard that will give you a sneak peek at the first five chapters, so you can get started on the book before it releases January 5th.
(Listen to the Moon is my third Lively St. Lemeston book, about an impassive valet and a snarky maid who marry to get a plum of a job—Toogood and Sukey from Sweet Disorder, if you’ve read it. If you’d like to be notified when the book comes out, sign up for my newsletter. There’s an option for new release notification ONLY if that’s your preference.)
Here is how to sign up for the mailing:
1. E-mail me at lerner.rose@gmail.com before December 1st.
2. Put “2015 holiday mailing” in the subject line.
3. Tell me your address and the name you want me to put on the envelope.
I will never use your address for anything else, ever. However, if you’d rather not share a physical address, I am happy to send your stuff via e-mail. Just ask!
4. Tell me which couple you want to see celebrating—Solomon and Serena, Nev and Penny, Nick and Phoebe, or Ash and Lydia.
5. If you want more than one story, no problem! For each additional story, just retweet my tweet about the mailing, reblog my tumblr post, share on facebook, or somehow link to this post on social media or your blog.
Let me know in your email what you’ve done and which extra mini-storie(s) I should send. 🙂 All additional stories will be sent via e-mail to save mailing costs.
(Except for the new True Pretenses story, everything the same as last year, so if you’ve already read one, you don’t need to request it again.)
If you don’t use social media but want extra stories, feel free to come up with an alternative! The simplest would be telling a romance-reading friend about the mailing, but if that doesn’t work, here are a few other ideas: request your library buy one of my books; recommend or loan one of my books to someone you know; leave an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads. Anything goes, this is supposed to be fun!
6. If you don’t get a confirmation email within 3 days, please comment on this post asking me to check my spam folder.
7. This is open internationally.
8. I won’t be posting these mini-stories online anywhere—I want this to be special.
9. I will add an ETA to the top of this post when all postcards have been mailed. If you don’t receive yours within a reasonable time, please let me know.
That’s it and that’s all! I can’t wait to hear from you.
All images used in adapting my covers are from Wikimedia Commons. The bow in the Lily Christmas cover is from this photo by Milad Mosapoor.