Philly Loves Romance presents:
Sunday, February 15 | 12-4PM | Parkway Central Library lobby | 1901 Vine St., Philadelphia

Join local romance authors (including me!!) in the lobby of the Parkway Central Library for a day of Valentine’s fun! A dozen local authors will be selling and signing their romance novels. There will be snacks, drinks, and a craft station where all ages can make valentines to your local library branch, your favorite book, or that special someone you forgot to give one to the day before. Chat with romance authors, discover new books to love, and go on a Blind Date with a Book.
Full details here on the Free Library website.
I won’t be bringing all my books, so if there’s one you know you want, just hit reply and tell me! I will also be bringing all the kids’ Valentines cards I’ve accumulated over the years–Harry Potter, WWE, and Star Wars (“Join the Resistance, Valentine”). I can sign one to you, or you can take one to give a friend!

Feb. 23 is the 10 year anniversary of In for a Penny‘s release–in other words, my 10 year publiversary! Since the Wednesday after is Ash Wednesday, I figured I’d celebrate by writing flashfiction for my Patreon patrons…
This is open to ALL patrons, even if you only give $1 a month!
(For those of you who haven’t done a flashfiction day with me before, basically, in the comments of the 2/26 Spoiler Wednesday post, you can give me a prompt related to any of the characters or to the world of any of my books, and I’ll write you at least 100 words of fiction in response. Almost anything goes, so start brainstorming now!
I promise to do at least the first 10 prompts I receive–if there’s something you really want, maybe set a Google reminder? The post will go up on 2/26/2020 at 12PM Philadelphia time.
I’m still slowly reorganizing all the extras on my site, so be patient with me if you have to scroll through comments because anchor links are broken, but you can find all the mini-stories from previous flashfiction days here.)
If you aren’t already a patron, you can join here!
I’ll also be playing the Rom-Com Game on Twitter that Tuesday (2/25), so keep an eye out!!
Just to get corny for a second: thanks for all your support in the years since my debut. You are the wind beneath my wings.
(That has been my in-joke with myself for years and I can’t even remember what it’s a reference to? I think maybe the Buffy episode where she and Spike think they’re going to get married??…MWAHAHAHA YES I WAS RIGHT
…but also you are. For realsies.)

(Image credit: Illustration from “The Russian Story Book” by Richard Wilson, illustrated by Frank C. Papé, 1916. Via Wikimedia Commons.
Other Wikimedia Commons images I considered to illustrate you being the wind beneath my wings:
- “A Flight Through Space: The Fairy Tales of Science” (You owe it to yourself to look at this frankly)
- Hans Christian Andersen illustration of a baby riding a swallow
- “A Flight of Fairies” by Robert Anning Bell)
Here’s to our next ten years together!