2 pieces of news!

1. I’ve started a new project, HEAling the World, and I’m very excited about it! HEAling the World is one way for the romance community to fight against injustices going on in the United States right now and to work towards the happily-ever-after we want for our world.

Every month for eighteen months romance authors will share favorite charities or organizations. Authors will also give away books to a few donors each month.

We are starting off strong this month with Rebekah Weatherspoon sharing about Women of Color in Romance! Click this link to visit the HtW site and learn about WOCINR, and please consider donating to this vital cause. The first five $10 donors get 5 amazing free e-books!

2. My novella “All or Nothing” from the Gambled Away anthology is now up for pre-order on Amazon! Check out my stunning new cover!!!!!


I know you want to see the rest!)

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