New contest: "A Lily Among Thorns" by Rose Lerner

To celebrate closing one chapter in my career (one that had a lot of very wonderful things in it, even if it sometimes feels shadowed now by what happened with Dorchester) and opening another, I’m going to give away something very special to me: my very last unused copy of the trade paperback of A Lily Among Thorns.

ETA: This contest is now closed. My darling friend Masha, to whom the book is dedicated, saw this and generously offered her own extra copy as well, so I was able to give away two books! Olu and S., you won.

So Sweet Disorder comes out next month. Soon after, my first two books will be rereleased by Samhain. (In fact, AS I WAS TYPING THIS POST, In for a Penny went up on Amazon for Kindle pre-order. Wooo!) In honor of that, and to celebrate closing one chapter in my career (one that had a lot of very wonderful things in it, even if it sometimes feels shadowed now by what happened with Dorchester) and opening another, I’m going to give away something very special to me: my very last unused copy of the trade paperback of A Lily Among Thorns.


It’s a little hard for me to let go of this, but I think it’s time. The book will of course be signed and personalized however you like. So:

Just comment on this post to enter, and make sure you enter your correct e-mail address (NOT in the body of the comment, but in the form where it says Name:, Mail:, Website:, make sure the e-mail address you enter for “Mail” is right). It won’t show up to other commenters, but I’ll get it and then I can easily notify you of your win. As always, if you want to be alerted when a new contest goes up, I recommend signing up for my newsletter.

I hate to do this, but this giveaway is only open to Canada and the US. Unfortunately international shipping rates recently went up, and for the time being, I can’t mail books overseas.

26 thoughts on “New contest: "A Lily Among Thorns" by Rose Lerner”

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming release, Rose! How exciting!
    So nice of you to give us the chance to win a hard-to-find copy of your novel! That cover is so romantic *SWOON*
    Happy winter! Stay warm! 🙂

    1. I love that cover! Although the SWEET DISORDER cover and my new PENNY cover are so beautiful that I have high hopes the new one will be equally wonderful. Thank you so much!
      You stay warm too! It was pretty darn cold here this week but I’m doing my best. 🙂

  2. Great reviews in your newsletter, Rose. It’s very generous of you to give up your last copy of LILY. I would feel very fortunate to win. Thanks. Happy Valentine’s Day!

    1. Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you!! And good luck in the drawing! (RE: the reviews, OMG I’m SO HAPPY. Having the book’s first reviews be so positive has done wonders for my nerves, let me tell you.)

  3. I saw a link to this on tumblr and literally jumped up in excitement. I’ve been looking for a copy of A Lily Among Thorns ever since I read it from the library with no luck. Really excited to pick up Sweet Disorder!

  4. I had a friend recommend your books, specifically this one, and I’ve been looking for it ever since! Please put my name in the hat!

    1. Yay! That is thrilling to hear. Sorry they’re so hard to find! The long drought will come to an end eventually, but in the meantime, good luck in the drawing!

  5. Just wanted to comment to say how pleased I am you’ve found another home. I loved “In for a Penny” and have a review copy of your latest book, which I’m really looking forward to.
    (And I’m in the UK, so don’t worry about entering me into the contest!)

  6. I know how it is to give up something you don’t want to. So if i win it, I would return it to you or another reader. I do not throw away books, I always share with other readers and I donate a lot to my local library.
    By the way, it sounds really good.

    1. Aw, thanks Joye! You certainly wouldn’t have to give the book back to me–I do have a used, bruised copy for reading or if I need to look something up in the book or what have you. This is just the last NEW copy that I could give away. That’s awesome that you are so committed to sharing your books, sharing is half the fun of stories!

  7. This is a nice giveaway, and although I’d like to read it, shouldn’t you keep your final copy? It seems that the author herself should have a nice & new copy of her own book. 🙂

    1. Aw, it’s really sweet how concerned you guys are for me. But I think it’s time for me to out with the old, in with the new! The book will be out in paperback again in September 2015, and I can wait until then for more new copies. I’d much rather somebody else got to experience the story in the meantime! 🙂

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