New contest: The Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne

ETA: This contest is now closed. The winner is Elaine Carlini-Davis. Congratulations!

This month I’m giving away a signed copy of Joanna Bourne’s The Spymaster’s Lady!

It’s the first book in her amazing Spymaster series, not to mention the first appearance of Adrian “my boyfriend” Hawker. I cannot possibly do the brilliance of Bourne’s prose justice, but here’s the gushing Smart Bitches review, which is how I first heard about the book when it came out.

Just comment on this post to enter, and make sure you enter your e-mail address–it shouldn’t show up to other commenters, but I’ll get it and then I can easily notify you of your win. As always, if you want to be alerted when a new contest goes up, I recommend signing up for my newsletter.

Oh, and something I wanted to clarify from last time–this is a copy I got signed at the RWA National Conference. Ms. Bourne isn’t involved in the giveaway and the book isn’t personalized. So if you want to tell her how much you loved her book, this isn’t the place. That would be her website. (But this IS the place to tell ME how much you loved it!)

31 thoughts on “New contest: The Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne”

  1. Oh! Sounds fun. 🙂 I’m going to have to make a bigger effort to make it to RWA Nationals this year. And should probably make time to consider joining RWA too…

  2. I love Joanna Bourne’s novels! I have read each one beginning at The Spymaster’s Lady. I have recently finished Black Hawk and highly recommend!

  3. I just finished The Black Hawk. I’ve been waiting for Hawker’s story. I read the Spymaster’s Lady, but I don’t own a copy. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. HELLO ROSE!!!
    [she’s waiving both of her arms frantically while her employer is questioning her sanity and his decision to hire her]
    I just ADORE that cover! I have no idea why they ever went with the other. As for the story, well all I can say is SUBLIME! But we’re talking JOANNA BOURNE!
    Everything she writes makes me want to DEVOUR, then I’ll go back and CHEW, then I’ll go back AGAIN to SWALLOW it WHOLE!
    Come to think of it, that’s what I did with A Lily Among Thorns 😉
    A Place for All Romance and Book Lovers!

  5. I ,ove Joanna’s books. Just finished listening to the audio version and it is very good. The narrator does a great job with the different accents.

  6. I absolutely love every Joanna Bourne book I’ve read – and that’s all of them except the one that’s out of print. Her writing is lyrical and tight, and her ability to build tension in organic ways is unparalleled. She is on my “buy on release date” list. I would wish she wrote faster, but I appreciate the craft in her work too much to want her to rush it.

  7. I love love love LOVE this book. I also love the cover, which does things to me. Things I have no name for.
    And seriously. The Bathtub Scene. Can we just talk? About the Bathtub Scene?
    Thank you. Carry on.

  8. Wow, this book sounds fantastic! I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this author. Thank you for the great givaway, Rose!

  9. I can’t believe that I’ve gone all these years without reading any of Joanna’s books. Therefore, she is a new Author to me and I would love the chance to start with reading “The Spymaster’s Lady”. I adore Historical Romance, especially when there is love, passion, intrigue and danger all combined into the story.
    Thank you for this great opportunity to hopefully own this book.

  10. Rose, I loved In for a Penny very much and gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars. I’ve had A Lily Among Thorns on my Wish List since Sept, 2010–and I just can’t wait to read it. I hope to make a dent in my TBR Pile over the holidays.
    I am also a big fan of Jo Bourne’s writing. I would LOVE to win a SIGNED copy of her book (squee!!) so please enter my name in the contest.
    Thanks, Laura

  11. What a great contest! I loved reading all of Joanna Bourne’s books and would treasure a signed copy of “The Spymaster’s Lady”.

  12. I’ve never read anything by Joanna. I would love to win her book. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, ROSE!
    Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

  13. Well, the cover caught my attention, so of course I’d love to read it 😉 Thanks for offering this delicious morsel up.

  14. Just looking at the cover of this book makes me want to read the story. Great cover. And it sounds like a good story to boot. Thanks for the info ..I’m adding it to me list of books to get.

  15. This is my first time on your website. It is also the first I have heard of Joanna Bourne. I like discovering new authors. Would love to win her book. Happy New Year.

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