I like Rose teaching me things. Very soothing presence. —Alisha Rai
If you would like to be notified when I give a workshop, sign up for my mailing list.
Teaching workshops is one of my very favorite things in the world!
If you would like me to submit a workshop proposal for your group/conference/RWA chapter/library/bookstore/&c., you can reach me at Rose@RoseLerner.com, or use the contact form on this website.
I am primarily seeking paid engagements for workshops. But you are always welcome to pitch me, especially if you’re in or near Philadelphia!
This is a list of workshops I have ready to go. If there’s something else you’d love to learn from me, let’s talk!

Length: 3 hours
Previously taught at The Ripped Bodice, Culver City CA.

Want to put more “historical” in your historical romance?
This lively and engaging in-depth workshop offers practical, nuts-and-bolts craft guidance to help you create a historical voice, write believable dialogue, seamlessly integrate research into your story, and decide what historical accuracy means to you.
Then I’ll throw open my research tool-chest to share my hard-won techniques and tricks of the trade. I’ll walk you through how to get the most out of search engines and local libraries, build your own research collection, fact-check, and lots more, all with an emphasis on free resources. (Who doesn’t love free?)
Every historical setting and every level of experience is welcome!

Length: 2 & 3 hour versions available
Previously taught at the Seattle Public Library (Central and Northgate branches), Lacey Timberland Library.

Research (from speech to food to customs to clothing and beyond) nourishes the historical fiction writer’s creativity.
In this workshop, I throw open my research tool-chest and share my hard-won techniques and tricks of the trade. I’ll walk you through how to get the most out of search engines and libraries, build your own research collection, fact-check, and lots more, all with an emphasis on free resources.
Participants also walk out the door with a huge list of online and print resources, including local specialty archives and museums!

I found Rose to be responsive and organized when planning the event, and her presentation was highly engaging, informative, comprehensive, and entertaining. I walked away from the workshop with an awareness of at least 25 useful online resources, tips, and research strategies that were new to me as a librarian…We received unanimously positive feedback from participants.
—Kelsey Smith, Adult Services Librarian Senior, Lacey Timberland Library

Length: Varies to fit the occasion
Also available as an online workshop.
Previously presented live for the Emerald City Writers Conference and Eastside Romance Writers of America; online for From the Heart Romance Writers
I try not to repeat online workshops too frequently; you can book this one for July 2020 or later. I would love to give it in person any time!

Our work shapes us.
Whether your heroine is a scientist, a homemaker, a fast food worker, or a demon hunter, she spends countless hours every week working and thinking about work, and she has for most of her life. If you take the time to really think about how your protagonist’s profession affects her personality and worldview, you’ll see the results in the added depth, naturalism, and uniqueness of your characterization.
In this workshop, each participant creates a character (or uses one from a WIP). Then I guide the group through a series of interactive exercises and brainstorming sessions, using the character’s job as a lense to build characterization, covering everything from job skills and the economic nitty-gritty to deep POV and story structure.
This workshop is a blast every time I give it! It’s especially delightful with a big group who can feed off each other’s creativity.

Length: 1-2 hours, or a 4-week online course
Previously presented in person at the Beau Monde conference, as well as online for the Beau Monde Academe and Hearts Through History Romance Writers.
Coming up online in December 2019 at From the Heart Romance Writers! (Scroll to December. Registration is free for members, $25 for non-members, and trust me, it’s a steal at that price. There’s a LOT of info in this workshop.)
I try not to repeat online workshops too frequently; you can book this one for January 2021 or later. I would love to give it in person any time!

The Regency British political system was complex, evolving, and unique—and even if women couldn’t sit in Parliament, they were involved in it everywhere, as patronesses, hostesses, possessers of pocket boroughs, information brokers, canvassers, and more.
I’ll give you a detailed overview of Parliament, political parties, elections, and the patronage system. Then we’ll explore the many ways that contemporary women (paritcularly elite women) participated.

I was deeply impressed by Rose’s broad knowledge of resources and her willingness to share tips and tricks that have worked for her as a writer. Rose has a warm and inviting presentation style that encouraged active participation from those who attended, and I appreciated that she followed up with participants after the presentation ended.
—Eric Grob, Adult Services Librarian, The Seattle Public Library
To discuss booking a workshop, e-mail me at Rose@RoseLerner.com, or use the contact form on this website.
I am always open to developing new workshops if the project and the price are right! If there’s something you’d love to learn from me that isn’t covered here, let’s talk!