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Rose Lerner writes historical romance with strong heroines and adorable heroes, as well as doing freelance book doctoring, editing, and research assistance. She has taught craft and research workshops for conferences, libraries, and writers’ groups. Her small-town Lively St. Lemeston series has been featured in NPR’s Book Concierge and Publishers Weekly’s Best Books of 2014. Her most recent books are the m/m novella “Sailor’s Delight” and the Audible Original The Wife in the Attic, a Sapphic Jane Eyre retelling (also available in ebook and print).
Her 1819 attestation of “to masturbate” (from Swediaur’s A comprehensive treatise upon the symptoms, consequences, nature, and treatment of venereal, or syphilitic, diseases) was accepted by the Oxford English Dictionary in September 2022, antedating the previous oldest quotation by almost forty years.*
When she’s not writing or researching, you can find Rose reading, watching, cooking, doodling, rambling, and daydreaming in Philadelphia.
* “masturbate, v.”. OED Online. December 2022. Oxford University Press. (accessed December 28, 2022)