Riskies post: Regency shop windows

I’m at Risky Regencies today talking about Regency shop windows, shoplifting techniques, etc!

Windows with lots of small panes were popular in Regency storefronts for at least two reasons:

1. Glass was still taxed by weight. A larger pane requires a thicker weight of glass. (This applied to greenhouses as well, by the way. You see them with lots of little panes.)

2. Shoplifting and property crime was endemic, and a small pane of glass was easier and cheaper to replace if someone broke it to steal your goods.

Read the whole post!

GAMBLED AWAY blog tour: Regency hipsters

Today I’m at Angieville talking Regency hipsters and giving away two copies of Gambled Away!

When I looked for recognizable elements of hipsterism in the Regency, I started to spot them here and there. A certain angry “counter-cultural” world-weariness, love of irony, and cynical fascination with excess seems to pop up with regularity in history—from the Restoration rakes, to the French decadent poets who liked to épater la bourgeoisie (shock the middle class) by writing poems about anarchy and sex workers or walking turtles on leashes at the mall (yes this was a thing), to the Bright Young Things of the 1920s and 30s.

Is it a coincidence that those examples all follow on the heels of traumatizing periods of economic depression, social upheaval, or war? Probably not.

Read the whole thing.

GAMBLED AWAY blog tour


I’m at Jaunty Quills today giving away books and talking about my rather intense fear of change, decluttering, and how Jeannie Lin made me cry in her novella with this story about a paper lantern:

When I was a child, I’d received a lantern once for the Spring Festival. It was pink and painted with flowers. I’d loved that lantern for an hour. A breeze had caught it while it hung from a tree in our courtyard, tipping the candle inside over and igniting the paper.

I’d wept after the servants put the fire out as I stared at the ruined shell. I would never have that bit of happiness, the glow of that moment in the same way ever again.

I wanted the moment with Gao back with the same empty sorrow now.

Stop on by and enter to win a book!

And follow along with the rest of the blog tour here. There’ve been some great posts (including one by Isabel about how writing is like combining snow cone flavors)!

Gambled Away release party is today on Facebook!


Who: 10 amazing historical romance authors–Joanna Bourne, Alyssa Cole, Isabel Cooper, Elizabeth Hoyt, Susanna Kearsley, Eva Leigh, Jeannie Lin, Molly O’Keefe, Deanna Raybourn, and yours truly!

What: A sweet party full of prizes! (Including a $50 Amazon gift card for one lucky guest!)

When: TODAY 6/8, 6-11PM Eastern time

Where: Facebook!

Why: To celebrate our new releases, especially the Gambled Away anthology!

How: I don’t know, sometimes things just work out!!!

Come on by!